Sunday, 14 July 2019

St Piran & St. Michael church notices

Tuesday 16 July

09.15am - 0945am    Prayer time in St. Nicholas chpel

Wednesday 17 July

11.ooam     Please can you spare an hour of your time today, to help us clean our church.
                  very much appreciated  by the church wardens if you can make it.
                    Tea/coffee provided.   Many thanks

Thursday 18 July

10.30am - 12,noon          Drop in for coffee and a chat in the church room

4.00 - 4.30pm               Celtic evening prayer in St Nicholas chapel or weather permitting outside in the prayer circle

7.30pm                     Home group social evening meet at Bede House Goldsithney

Friday 19 July

2pm - 5pm                A Cream tea will be held in St Pirans church room in the v illage
                                  Raffle prizes .  Proceeds to Church funds.

Sunday 21 July

11.15am    Sunday service with holy communion led by Fr. Jeff

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