Sunday, 28 October 2018

st.Piran& St. Michael church notices

Tuesday 30 October

0915-0945am    Prayer time in St. Nicholas Chapel

Wednesday 31 October
 7pm     All Souls memorial service for St. Hilary and Perranuthnoe churches together. A list is on the church notice board if you wish to add names to be remembered.

Thursday 1 November

10.30- 12.noon       Drop in for coffee and a chat in the church room

11.00 am               All Saints Feast Day for the benefice at Marazion, church. followed by lunch. please add your name to the list on the church notice board if you will be attending for lunch.

4.00 - 4.30  pm      Celtic evening prayer in St. Nicholas chapel

Sunday 4 November

8.00am        Holy Communion  BCP  Led by Revd. Jeff

11.15am  All Saints sunday service with communion . Led by Revd. Nigel and Revd. Linda

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