Monday, 10 September 2018

St.Piran&St.Michael church notices

Tuesday  11 September

09.15-09.45    Prayer time in St. Nicholas chapel

Wednesday 12 September

Art & Spirituality Day in perranuthnoe church.   Arr 09.30 am for coffee and 10.00 start.
Bring and shared lunch in the church room.

Thursday 13 September

10.30 - 12.00 noon    Drop in for coffee and a chat in the c hurch room

4-.00 pm - 4.30pm  Celtic evening prayer in St. Nicholas chapel

7.00pm      Home group launch in the church room.  For all groups in the benefice.

Sunday 16 September

11.15am   Sunday service with communion    Led by Revd Nigel, and Revd. Kirsten.

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