Monday, 24 September 2018

St Piran & St. Michael Church notices

Tuesday 25 September

09.15. - 09.45am   Prayer time in St Nicholas chapel

Thursday  27  September

10.30- 12.noon         Drop in for coffee in the church room

4,00- 4.30pm         Celtic evening prayer in St Nicholas chapel

Friday 28 September

7.00pm            The Richmond Singers and Male voice choir in concert .  £5.00 pay at the door.  Refreshments and raffle.

Sunday  30 September

11.15am          Sunday  Service St. Michael Feast day with communion.  Led by Revd. Nigel.
                       Lunch served in the church room afterwards  , please add your name to the list on the   church notice board if you are attending  for lunch. 

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