Wednesday, 6 June 2018

St Piran & St Michael church notices

Tuesday 5 June

09.15   - 09.45 am   Prayer time in St. Nicholas chapel in church

Thursday 7 June

10.15 - 12.00 noon   Drop in for coffee and a chat in the church room.

4.00pm - 4.30 pm    Celtic Evening Prayer in St Nicholas chapel in church.
please note new starting time of 4pm.

7.30pm     Home group meet at Bede House Goldsithney  .  Tel 01736 719090 for details

Sunday 10 June

11.15am  Sunday Family Service with communion .  Led by Revd. Kirsten.
also introducing Colin and Audrey Gibson.

4.0pm     In The church room,  The Gibsons will be giving an illustrated talk about there work, living and working in Lebanon.  Refreshments  to follow.

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