Tuesday, 22 May 2018

St piran& St Michael church Notices

Tuesday 22 May

09.15am - 09.45am   Morning prayer in St. Nicholas Chapel in church.

Thursday 24 May

10.15am - 1200  Drop in for coffee and a chat in the church room.

4.30pm- 5.00pm  Celtic evening prayer in St Nicholas Chapel in the church.

7.30pm    Home group meet at the home of Kenny and Bridget Macauley Tel 01736 438120  for details.

Friday  25 May

7.00pm   Film Night in the church room .  The film is "Dear Frankie" a moving story about a deaf child who writes letters to his absent father.   Call Paul if you wish to book a seat Tel 01736 711734

Sunday 27 May

11.15am    Sunday service with communion.  Led by Revd. Nigel.

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