Tuesday, 8 May 2018

St Piran & St. Michael Notices

Tuesday 8 May

09.15 - 09.45am   Prayer Time in St. Nicholas Chapel in church

Wednesday 9 May

Art & Spirituality Day .  In Church.  Arrive at 09.30am for Tea /coffee - to start at 10.00am.
Shared buffet lunch.   Call Vivien for details   Tel 07804 172412

Thursday 10 May

10.00am Ascension Day Benefice Service at Ludgvan Church.   Followed by a brunch in the Murley Hall.  Led by Revd. Nigel

10.15am - 1200   Drop in for coffee and a chat in the  church room.

4.30pm - 5.00pm  Celtic Evening Prayer in the St. Nicholas Chapel in church.

Sunday 13 May

11.15am    Sunday Service with Communion.  Led by Revd. Kenny & Revd. Bridget

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