Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Notices 5th March

St. Piran & St. Michael

Notices for week 5th March

9.15 – 9.45am Morning Prayer in St. Nicholas Chapel within the church.
Prayer for a new priest at Perranuthnoe parish, 10 – 10.30am.

4.30 – 5pm. Sacred Space for Lent at Perranuthnoe. All welcome to come along from 4pm for refreshments.

Lent Course. Faith Pictures: a fresh way to talk about things that matter. Led by Revd. Kirsten Norfork. 7 - 9pm at the Church Room, Perranuthnoe, or 2 – 4pm at Murley Hall, Ludgvan.

Soup Lunch. Please come along for a delicious homemade soup lunch between 12 – 2pm in the church room. Suggested donation £5. All proceeds to this year's Lent Appeal charities: Cornwall Holidays for Inner City Kids at St. Austell; Daily lunches for children in Cambodia where Natalie and Graham Thomas are working with the local Pastor who, having built a school, provide around 200 meals daily for the children, and also for Audrey and Colin working for the Christian Mission Society supporting Refugees in Lebanon.
Celtic Evening Prayer at 4.30 – 5pm in the St. Nicholas Chapel area of the church.

Women's World Day of Prayer at 2.30pm Goldsithney Chapel

PCC members meet at 7pm in the Church Room, Perranuthnoe.

Please come to the Murley Hall, Ludgvan at 4 - 6pm to help plan and pray for our Benefice Awayday in April. Contact Penny Marns for details, 01736 740784.

Mothering Sunday Family Service, 11.15am at Perranuthnoe.
Led by Revd. Kirsten. Sugar or Coffee for Breadline, or items for Food Bank most welcome. Refreshments following the service.
For the Annual Church Meeting service next Sunday, 18th, we will serve refreshments including pasties. It would be helpful if you could add your name to the list on the noticeboard if you would like a pasty, or call Dave on 711248.

Arrive at 9.30 for coffee in church for 10am start. Lunch break in the church room – please bring a contribution to the shared buffet. Jacket potatoes provided. Contact Vivien for further details 07804 172412.

There are some more paper bags available at the back of church to help us continue to use less plastic.

Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting Service is on Sunday 18th March. Offers for Deputy Wardens, Secretary, PCC, gratefully received, please sign up on the noticeboard or speak with the Churchwardens.

The March issue of the monthly Benefice magazine “The View” with newsletter, articles, details of events and services is out now. Copies can be obtained at the back of church, The Victoria Inn, or the Hairdressers in the village.

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