Saturday, 21 October 2017

Harvest Festival Weekend


Earlier this month, on a damp Saturday morning, it was great to see so many come to the churchyard following the annual cut by Cornwall Council earlier in the week.  Several people came along to see the churchyard, many with their rakes and wheelbarrows, raking and stacking the grass; others decorated the church with harvest flowers and produce. As the rain started around midday, we all went into church to enjoy a soup and ploughmans lunch.

The following day was our Harvest Festival Service. Lots more produce was brought along and the church look beautiful.

All the produce was distributed in and around Penzance. First stop to the PEaT project where we took much needed food items for the volunteers to cook for the Street Food Project. Then on to the Pengarth Drop In centre where we delivered more items for their lunches. On then to Breadline with items for their breakfasts followed by a visit to the Food Bank where we gave the cash which was donated for them to purchase their much needed fresh items of eggs, milk, bread etc.

The Living Churchyard is now in its second year. Many more wild grasses, flowers and wildlife have appeared. It is a wonderful place to walk around the many paths which are kept so neat, thanks to Susan Dodds, Ann and Peter Caswell and others than spend time working there.

Thank you to all who came along on the Harvest Weekend, working on the mammoth task of clearing away the grass. Many hands did make light(er) work. Thanks also to all who brought food along on Sunday and also to Tim Skewes for his generous contribution of farm produce.

St. Piran & St. Michael

October 2017

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